Parent Information

Key Person and Curriculum

Your child’s key person regularly observes and assesses your child’s development to ensure that we can provide activities to meet their needs, interests and monitor their learning. Each child is treated as a unique individual and all activities are adapted to meet all children’s individual needs.

Following the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which supports all children from birth to five years. This includes the prime areas – Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language Development and Physical Development.

Specific areas – Literacy, Mathematic, Understanding of the World, Expressive Arts and Design.

At Windsor Kindergarten, we use an online portal called Tapestry that helps us record children’s learning and track their progress so we can better support them in their development. Each observation can include notes, photos and assessment based on the Early Years outcomes. Parents are given full access to read their child’s profile at any time and we welcome your own comments and observation.

We take pride in our close relationship with parents and carers and encourage them to play an active role in this vital stage of your child’s development.

“The teaching staff are constantly coming up with fresh activities for the children and have a creative approach to learning and development “

A Typical Day

Children are welcomed by their key person, put away their fruit and coats and self-register.
This encourages children to develop independence and build up their confidence.

Breakfast Time (8.00am – 8.45am – for those who attend this session)
Children independently self-serve and eat breakfast, encouraging them to manage their own needs

Circle Time
This helps children develop communication and language as well as their personal and social development as they participate in conversations and learn to take turns and listen to others.

Child-Initiated Play

Children will show willingness to tackle problems and enjoy self-chosen challenges through play. They will use their initiative and manage developmentally appropriate tasks.

Activity Time and Free Flow Play

Children use a range of materials and resources to participate in adult-led and child-initiated play to support their learning and development

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is seen as an integral part of the early years provision. This provides children the opportunity to play in the natural environment and be physically active.

Snack Time

Children are encouraged to the importance of personal hygiene as they wash their hands independently, take turns in choosing their snacks and make healthy choices.

Group/Story Time

Children listen attentively and respond to stories and songs using a range of props. They make up stories and become familiar with a variety of nursery rhymes and number songs.

Tidy Up Time

Home Time for Morning Children 

Lunch time

Children learn social skills and develop good eating habits by eat with other children and members of staff. Children are encouraged to become proficient in using tongs, spoons and knives whist self -serving. Staff encourage children to clear away after mealtimes


This helps children understand their needs regarding resting and sleeping and physical development

Afternoon Session

Reflects the morning session


Children are provided with a healthy snack such as soup, baked beans or toast with a piece of fruit or yoghurt

Tidy up Time

Home Time for Afternoon Children

“We like that there is a lot of learning and a lot of fun games…there is a good balance between free play and more structured activities. Good routine too.”


We aim to instill a passion for healthy eating that children can carry through to the next stages of their life. Health and safety and food hygiene are reflected in all practice, while we prepare snacks and meals and our kindergarten has been awarded the Mayor of London’s Healthy Early Years London Award and a 5 star Food Hygiene Rating.

Children can either bring in their own packed lunch or order a cooked lunch from Apetito, who specialize exclusively in providing high quality food for care settings. They provide a diverse menu of balanced and nutritious cooked meals which meets the individual needs including dietary requirements and food allergies and intolerances.

Fresh water is available at all times throughout the session and milk is provided at snack time.

See our Sample Menus here

Outdoor Area

The children have daily access to our safe and enclosed area during all weathers, this provides children additional opportunities to develop their physical skills, explore nature and large-scale learning.

Visits and Visitors

Visits are arranged in the local vicinity such as a trip to the allotment and to the local greengrocers to buy fruit. Visitors are invited to the Kindergarten to support the curriculum.