“All the staff are so lovely. My daughter absolutely loves being at this nursery, it’s absolutely brilliant so good I recommended it to friends and my younger daughter will be starting in September.”

“We are very happy to have found Windsor Kindergarten for our daughter. She’s strived in all aspects of her development within months of starting. She’s now moved on to the older group and her transition has been made so easy by the staff that we didn’t notice any change at all. The nursery is always keeping parents up to date and responds well to any enquiry. Our daughter loves going to nursery so much that we’ve increased her days of attendance and her little brother will most definitely be attending once he’s old enough.”

“This nursery has been an absolute blessing for us. The staff have been incredible. They are warm, friendly, caring, fun, helpful, supportive and everything you would want people looking after your child to be. We have noticed huge positive changes in our daughter since starting at Windsor. Wonderful place.”

“We are absolutely delighted with the nursery and especially the staff looking after our child. We have watched him grow significantly in the time he has been at Windsor Kindergarten. The carers really understand and adapt their play, instructions, and care to get the best from him. The structured activities are excellent with lots of time outside and on visits locally which is brilliant. We have regular feedback and good communication from the management team too. Highly recommend this nursery especially if your children like the outdoors, exploring, building, and learning through play.”

“I absolutely love this nursery! Staff are extremely friendly, knowledgeable, approachable, and accommodating. My daughter is autistic and the nursery has been unbelievably supportive. The staff is well educated and kind. The communication is excellent and swift. My daughter has flourished and is treated
with respect, she is being included in all activities and is getting extra support and funding due to staff being on the ball and open-minded. I definitely recommend Windsor Kindergarten!”

“I knew nothing about this nursery prior to visiting it 1 year ago. My daughter has complex needs, physically very limited, she has difficulty feeding and wears a hearing aid and cochlear implant and is non verbal so I was extremely concerned how any setting would manage her needs. I can not say how much I have been blown away with how all the staff at Windsor Kindergarten have embraced my daughter and included her in everything and really got an understanding of her developmental needs and were able to support professionals and us parents in her development. They have been amazing. I can not recommend them enough. We will miss them greatly.”

“My son has had a wonderful experience at Windsor Kindergarten for close to 2 years. The facilities are spacious, and the location has access to many parks. The staff are great with outdoor activities and creative play. Learning is a focus as the children develop and the kindergarten is very committed
to communicating on how children are progressing.”
“My son changed from a nursery that he was used to and liked a lot, it was a worrying time for me, but Windsor Kindergarten welcomed my son so well that from day one he loves going to the nursery, he goes and get back home happy every day, he also in this period it had a spectacular development. I am immensely grateful for all the love and affection Windsor Kindergarten has given my son. I’m sure that this period he will take as a happy memory of his life.”
“Windsor Kindergarten have always given my son a varied and exciting array of experiences during his time at Nursery. He always comes home telling us of trips out, playing in the mud kitchen, or small activities with his key workers that have made him smile.”

Welcome to Windsor Kindergarten and Adventure After School Club

Windsor Kindergarten and Adventure After School Club is and independent setting which offers high quality flexible childcare and education. We provide a caring and nurturing environment where children are supported to become active and enthusiastic learners. We also focus on their well-being and social skills.

Our Rooms

Little Explorers (12 Months to 3 Years)

Our Little Explorers room is designed to meet the needs of children from 18 months to 3 years.

Little Learners (3 to 5 Years)

Our Little Learners Room is designed for our older children aged 3 to 5 years who are preparing to move on to school.

Adventure Kids After School Club (4 to 11 years)

A long-established after school club, providing care for up to 26 children.

The Great Outdoors

Regular opportunities are planned for the children to visit the river, Marble Hill Park and local wooded area.

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Our Core Values

What Ofsted Says About Windsor Kindergarten

Children flourish at this welcoming and inclusive nursery. They demonstrate that they are happy and settled as they confidently make choices about their play.

Children build close bonds with the caring staff. This promotes their emotional wellbeing and helps them to feel safe and secure.

Children joining the nursery are well supported by their key persons and quickly adapt to the environment and routines.

Children enjoy the opportunities for learning. They display confidence as they make choices and show enthusiasm as they explore their own interests.

Children are inspired to attract a wider variety of wildlife to their garden. They demonstrate this by creating a ‘bug hotel’, using natural resources they have gathered with staff on visits to woodlands.

Children respond positively to the high expectations of staff. They develop good social skills, such as how to share, take turns and behave at mealtimes.

Older children confidently share ideas and cooperate during imaginative role play. Children learn to be independent and show satisfaction in doing things for themselves.

The curriculum is ambitious and supports all areas of children’s learning. Staff closely monitor the progress children make. They identify where children may need extra help, to prevent them from falling behind in their learning. This includes working with other professionals and providing targeted support, where needed.

Children have lots of opportunities for vigorous play outdoors. This helps to support their physical health and well-being.

Staff join in enthusiastically with children’s games and use spontaneous opportunities to extend their learning.

Staff join in enthusiastically with children’s games and use spontaneous opportunities to extend their learning.

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020 8892 0052

Nursery ‭07875 214054‬

After school club 07452 994 979

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