We are now Victoria Place Day Nursery and After School Club

Please visit our new website https://www.victoriaplacechildcare.co.uk/ for exciting news of our setting.

Our Rooms

Little Explorers (12 Months to 3 Years)

Our Little Explorers room is designed to meet the needs of children from 18 months to 3 years.

Little Learners (3 to 5 Years)

Our Little Learners Room is designed for our older children aged 3 to 5 years who are preparing to move on to school.

Adventure Kids After School Club (4 to 11 years)

A long-established after school club, providing care for up to 26 children.

The Great Outdoors

Regular opportunities are planned for the children to visit the river, Marble Hill Park and local wooded area.

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Our Core Values

What Ofsted Says About Windsor Kindergarten

Children flourish at this welcoming and inclusive nursery. They demonstrate that they are happy and settled as they confidently make choices about their play.

Children build close bonds with the caring staff. This promotes their emotional wellbeing and helps them to feel safe and secure.

Children joining the nursery are well supported by their key persons and quickly adapt to the environment and routines.

Children enjoy the opportunities for learning. They display confidence as they make choices and show enthusiasm as they explore their own interests.

Children are inspired to attract a wider variety of wildlife to their garden. They demonstrate this by creating a ‘bug hotel’, using natural resources they have gathered with staff on visits to woodlands.

Children respond positively to the high expectations of staff. They develop good social skills, such as how to share, take turns and behave at mealtimes.

Older children confidently share ideas and cooperate during imaginative role play. Children learn to be independent and show satisfaction in doing things for themselves.

The curriculum is ambitious and supports all areas of children’s learning. Staff closely monitor the progress children make. They identify where children may need extra help, to prevent them from falling behind in their learning. This includes working with other professionals and providing targeted support, where needed.

Children have lots of opportunities for vigorous play outdoors. This helps to support their physical health and well-being.

Staff join in enthusiastically with children’s games and use spontaneous opportunities to extend their learning.

Staff join in enthusiastically with children’s games and use spontaneous opportunities to extend their learning.

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